Marianne Meyer
Welcome to my website, featuring my paintings as well as information about myself.

Marianne Meyer


 Marianne Meyer was  born and raised in Switzerland. She has been living in BC's Okanagan Valley since 2000.  Like many she started out in a realistic manner, but soon wanted more freedom to express emotions - and to be able to throw around vibrant colours in wild experimentation. The resulting free, abstract compositions were more to her liking. For Marianne, textures  and images emerge spontaneously and seduce her to go further. 

  Part of her development as an artist includes studying the work of others, especially of contemporary artists. Her work is usually a combination of mark making, drawings and layered paint. Acrylic paints, charcoal and art pencils are her preferred media. 

 My work is always changing which gives me the pleasure to experiment and to move forward. I work and rework my paintings until I reach the point when I feel that they express just the right amount of layering, structure and depth. The final colour constellations invite the viewer to find his or her own personal experience of my pieces. I believe that that's what art should do. 




2015        Workshop with Nicholas Wilton, USA

2014        Workshop with Anne McElroy, MFA, MEd, Saskatchewan

2014        Workshop with Corre Alice, BC

2013        Workshop with Steven Aimone, USA

2012        Workshop with Robert Burridge, USA

2012        Workshop with Samantha DaSilva 

2012        Studied with Kindrie Groove, Penticton,BC

2011        Workshop with Bonnie Roberts, Keremeos

2010        Studied with Yvonne Goldberg, Penticton,BC

2010        Workshop with Bonnie Roberts,Keremeos

2009        Workshops with Jenny Long, Penticton

2006        Workshop with Jennifer Garant, Naramata



2018        Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver BC,

               Honourable mention @ juried abstract show 

2018        Federation of Canadian Artists / FCS-SOS

               3th place juried Spring Show at Osoyoos Art Gallery

2017        Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver BC 

               2nd place at juried abstract show

2016        Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver:

                3th place @ juried abstract show

                Federation of Canadian Artists / FCA-SOS:

                2nd place @ juried Spring Colour Show, Osoyoos Art Gallery

                Honourable mention @ juried Spring Show, Osoyoos Art Gallery

                Honourable mention @ juried Spring Show, Osoyoos Art Gallery


2014        Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver

                Award of Excellence


2013        Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver

                Award of Excellence


Solo Exhibitions

2017         Osoyoos Art Gallery, BC 

2014        The Bench, Penticton

2013        Halde Galerie, Widen, Switzerland

     The Bench, Penticton

2011        Red Rooster Winery, Penticton

2011        The Bench, Penticton

2010        Red Rooster Winery, Penticton

2009        Red Rooster Winery, Penticton


Group Exhibitions


2017         FCA Vancouver BC,  Juried Abstract Show

                FCA-SOS, Juried Spread not Colour Show, Osyoos,BC


2016         FCA-SOS, juried Spring Colour Show, Osoyoos BC

                Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver BC:

                Juried Abstract member show

                Juried Summer Gallery

                Shatford Centre, Penticton BC


2015         Juried abstract member show at the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver

                 FCA-SOS, Tinhorn Winery, Oliver BC


2014        Member Show Kelowna Art Gallery

                Juried  Show Peachland Art Gallery

                Lake Country Art Walk

                Abstract juried member show Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery

     Juried Art exhibition OASIS, Kelowna,BC

     Juried Art exhibition Agora Gallery, New York USA


2013        Juried Abstract member show in January Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver

     Juried Abstract Member Summer Gallery Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery, Vancouver

2012        U8 exhibition, Sopa Gallery, Kelowna

                FCA-SOS, Tinhorn Winery, Oliver BC

                FCA-SOS, Little Straw Winery, Kelowna,BC

                FCA-SOS, NK'MIP Cellars, Osoyoos, BC



Tumbleweed Gallery, Penticton BC